Although the Church year officially begins in Advent, many of our lives' rhythms shift to a quicker tempo each September with the new academic year, or the "program year," as we call it in Church. Our program year starts on Sunday, Sept. 8th with the return of two services at 8:30 and 10 a.m. This will be our first Sunday worshipping in the newly renovated Sanctuary! At the 10 a.m. service, we will bless the children’s backpacks, our teachers and school administrators, and wish them well as the new school year begins.
During a festive Coffee Hour, Sunday school registration will take place. We will introduce the teachers and be available to answer any questions about the schedule and curriculum (see related Godly Play post). At Coffee Hour, we'll also celebrate the beginning of our new program year and the splendid renovations that were done on time and under budget. Fr. Rob will also take a few moments to explain the "big picture" regarding financing the renovations and invite any questions.
Welcome to the new program year! Please plan to join us Sept. 8th!