At this week's Outreach & Creation Care Team meeting, Cheryl Duckworth, who heads up the work that goes into the St. Paul's garden, reported on this season's harvest.
"We've had a very successful garden season," Cheryl said. Although the season is now winding down given the colder temperatures, she expects that there will be two or three more harvests to gather the remaining butternut squash. Once they cure, the squash will be delivered to either My Brother's Table or St. Stephen's Food Pantry, recipients of the season's other robust bounty: 655 green beans, 115 peppers, 816 cherry tomatoes and 517 regular tomatoes, 96 purple and white eggplant, 34 summer squash, 15 lbs. of potatoes, and thus far 11 butternut squash. The only disappointing harvest was only 23 cucumbers.
Cheryl expressed thanks to the "garden crew," which included Jonna Casey, Carm Padovani, and parent helpers from the Bethlehem School who all helped with watering and weeding. ("Though our automatic sprinkler was a big hit, as well as the very wet summer!" Cheryl said.)
Cheryl also added a special thanks to Tom Hubbard and Derrick Scheeler who delivered the garden harvests to either St. Stephen's or My Brother's Table.
Following an outside coffee hour on Sunday, October 29 (weather permitting), the garden will be prepared for the winter by cutting down the plants and tilling the soil. Volunteers are requested!