St. Paul's is currently seeking a Tenor Section Leader and member of the professional vocal quartet. The choir, led and supported by the four section leaders, sings at the main service of the church on Sundays as well as on other major feast days, and leads the congregation in the singing of hymns, chant, and sung portions of the mass. The professional quartet also leads in other special services during the year. St. Paul's enjoys and supports a traditional music program with a diversity of musical styles and contexts ranging from the ancient plainsong of the early church to contemporary compositions, with a special regard for the rich beauty of the Anglican choral tradition
The choir schedule runs from September through May, with weeks off as agreed upon by the quartet. We are able to make provision for individual quartet members who pursue outside work to take time off when needed for performances, auditions, etc. The current renumeration is $100 per Sunday service (9:15 am rehearsal, 10:00 service) and $100 per rehearsal (Thursday, 7:15 - 9:00 pm).
Interested parties should submit letters of inquiry to St. Paul's at office@stpaulslynnfield.org.