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Sanctuary to Fully Re-open June 20

At their meeting on June15, St. Paul's vestry voted unanimously to fully re-open Sunday services in the Sanctuary on Sunday, June 20, 2021. There will no longer be a need to reserve seats. We will continue to offer Sunday services via the Zoom platform as well. Please note the following information for in-person worship:

  • Those who are unvaccinated, or who may feel vulnerable, should wear a mask.

  • Congregational singing by fully vaccinated people wearing masks will resume.

  • Communion will be distributed at the altar rail. No wine will be served at this time.

  • We will not pass the plate, but 2 plates will be kept at the back of the church for your offerings.

  • The Peace will continue to be passed contact free.

  • Windows will be kept open.

  • Contact tracing will no longer be necessary.

In making the announcement, Fr. Rob wrote, "I cannot emphasize strongly enough what an amazing vestry we have at St. Paul's. Every member of our vestry has been so committed to your safety, and to the well-being of our church, since the beginning of this pandemic. Their research, commitment, integrity, and willingness to debate hard questions in-depth with utter transparency has been mightily impressive. I am grateful beyond measure for our elected leadership."



St. Paul's Episcopal Church

127 Summer Street

Lynnfield, Massachusetts 01940


(781) 334-4594

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