by The Rev. Bob Davidson, Bridge Priest
This coming Sunday, Epiphany III, January 21, we will focus on the theme “Being called as a disciple of your LIGHT.”
In the sermon we will follow Mark’s retelling of the calling of Peter and Andrew when Jesus transformed their lives as fishermen: And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.”
It is one thing to believe in Jesus and to claim Him as our Savior. It’s another thing, indeed, to be swept up in establishing God’s kingdom here and now as a disciple of Jesus. From belief to witnessing requires a person to feel something deep within that is best described as a CALL.
The life of Peter and Andrew would never be the same once they dropped their nets along the seashore. Once they saw the light of Christ radiating from within their inner being -- their soul -- they could do nothing less than fish for people alongside Jesus.
During these weeks of Epiphany, we are hearing the vision and need for volunteers from among the varied ministries of St. Paul’s. Might part of your calling as a disciple of God’s light involve dropping your net along your pathway and stepping into a way of serving God through one of our vital ministries at St. Paul’s? I truly hope you will remain open to what God’s spirit may be speaking to you as you listen to these presentations during the announcement time of our worship.
Epiphany blessings to you and your family.
Rev. Bob Davidson