By Katie Ahearn, Senior Warden
The July Vestry meeting opened with Bible study. We discussed the differences between The Lord’s Prayer in the books of Luke and Matthew. Minutes of last month's meeting were then approved.
Dave Garlow, Junior Warden, gave us a detailed update on the building construction (see related post). He also explained that having gotten approval for the new septic system, we will begin work on that immediately. The septic project will take two to three weeks to complete.
Kwame Ofori-Asante, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report. We are right on budget.
Heather Doyle reported that our experience with B-SAFE this year was almost perfect. We had an abundance of food and will look for a more refined count of lunches next year. We had a perfect number of volunteers on our team for all three days. The field day was a huge success. Church of the Good Shepherd in Reading was a wonderful partner and the overall costs of the field day were kept down by their access to the Reading field day facility.
Fr. Rob stated that Sam Nelson’s last day as Music Director will be August 11th. The Music Director Search Committee has recommended to the Vestry Andrew Shenton, Ph.D., as Interim Music Director (see related post). The Vestry approved Andrew’s appointment and his first Sunday at St. Paul’s will be August 18th.
The meeting closed with prayer.