by Katie Ahearn, Senior Warden
The January Vestry meeting opened with Bible study (Luke 24: 13-35) led by Mark Preston. The December minutes were then approved.
Dave Garlow, Junior Warden, gave us a detailed, final update on the building upgrades. All outstanding issues have been resolved. He thanked the Vestry, the Dream Team, and The Bethlehem School for making his job as Junior Warden easy.
Kwame Ofori-Asante presented the Treasurer’s Report. He reported that we are close to budget on income. The Bethlehem School has agreed to an increased annual rent formula. Rental income is also expected from the Lynnfield Youth Soccer organization. In terms of expenses, our Diocesan Assessment increased by $5,000 and our Green Loan payment per month is $1,014.
Kwame presented the 2020 Budget and it was accepted unanimously and will be presented to the Parish at the Annual Meeting on February 2.
The Nominating Committee presented the Slate of Nominees for the Annual Meeting. The slate reads as follows:
Senior Warden: Katie Ahearn
Junior Warden: Tom Hubbard
Treasurer: Kwame Ofori-Asante
Assistant Treasurer: Abbe Moore
Clerk: Jonna Casey
Vestry three-year terms: Alison Aldrich, Carole Mason, and Judy Sinclair
Vestry two-year term: Dave Garlow
Delegates to the Diocesan Convention: Katie Ahearn, Sheila Callaghan, and Jim Rosato (Alternate)
Deanery Delegates: Jonna Casey (Clerk), Fr. Rob Bacon, Katie Ahearn, Tom Hubbard, and Sheila Callaghan
The Vestry Retreat will be held on Saturday, February 8 at Christ Church, Andover.
On Tuesday, February 25, Shrove Tuesday, a Pancake Supper will be cooked and served by the Vestry. Serving begins at 5:30pm. There will be games!
The meeting closed with prayer. For more details, Vestry minutes are available by contacting the office.
