Although walking the Holy Week journey in-person with our community isn't possible this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the following virtual worship experiences are recommended to you from St. Paul's Lynnfield, as well as the Diocese of Massachusetts and our National Cathedral.
Maundy Thursday (April 9th)
7pm Holy Eucharist with Stripping of the Altar via live webcast from the National Cathedral
7pm Tridiuum at Home via Zoom from St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston (Scroll down through the weekly calendar.)
Good Friday (April 10th)
12 Noon St. Paul's Lynnfield Stations of the Cross via Zoom (Invitation by email)
7pm Tridiuum at Home via Zoom from St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston (Scroll down through the weekly calendar.)
Holy Saturday (April 11th)
7pm The Great Easter Vigil via Zoom from St. Paul’s Cathedral in Boston (Scroll down through the weekly calendar.)
Easter Sunday (April 12th)
10am St. Paul's Lynnfield Holy Eucharist via Zoom (Invitation by email)
11:15am The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day via live webcast from the National Cathedral