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December Vestry Report

The December Vestry meeting opened with Bible study (Philippians 2:5-11). Minutes of last month's meeting were then approved.

Kwame Ofori-Asante, Treasurer, reported that we are right on budget. We have 45 pledges equaling about $165,000. There are approximately 24 additional pledges expected, equaling approximately $51,000, for a total of $216.000. (See Stewardship post for updated pledge figures.) Kwame also presented the 2020 Preliminary Budget. The final Budget will be presented to the Vestry at its January meeting.

Dave Garlow, Junior Warden, reported that curtains in the Great Room have been installed. He also stated that the front doors continue to be a problem and that he is working with the architect to resolve the issue.

The Annual Meeting will be held on February 2nd. The Nominating Committee is working on a slate of nominees.

The Vestry will hold its annual Retreat on February 8th at Christ Church, Andover.

The meeting closed with prayer.


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