On December 15th at 5 p.m., join us for an Advent Lessons & Carols service, “Darkness to Light,” featuring scripture readings and music to reflect the hope of the coming of the Messiah at Christmas.

The “Darkness to Light” service, modeled after one developed and used at the great English Cathedral in Salisbury, England, and at St. James Cathedral in Chicago, aims to recapture the longing and hope of Advent. The service begins in darkness and, as the service enfolds, the church is transformed from darkness to light. The service is structured around the hymn “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” which provides a rich source of devotional imagery in Advent. The readings and music help reflect on the theme of the coming of Christ into the world.
Music selections for this service are drawn from several composers and arrangers, notably J.S. Bach, Edward Bairstow, Elizabeth Poston, John Rutter, Richard Shephard, Charles Wood, and more. Choral pieces will be sung by the St. Paul’s Choir, under the direction of St. Paul’s Music Director and Organist Andrew Shenton.
Please join us and bring friends.
Freewill offerings will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund which helps families in need.