We invite you to join us and invite your friends for a service of Advent Lessons & Carols on Sunday, December 10th at 4:00 p.m.
Music for this service will be sung by the soloists of St. Paul's Choir, under the direction of Music Director Larry Kamp. The soloists, who lead vocal sections of the choir, are soprano Addison Pattillo, mezzo-soprano Carli Mazich-Addice, tenor Justin Hong, and bass Sehjin Jo.

Based on the service of Christmas Lessons and Carols made famous by King's College, Cambridge, UK, this service follows a similar pattern of traditional Scripture readings, choral anthems, and congregational hymns. Musical settings will include those by Michael Praetorius, Melcior Vulpius, Francis Poulenc, Thomas Tompkins, Claude Goudimel, Carson Coomans, and Roland E. Martin. The service will last about one hour and a free-will offering will be gratefully received. Light refreshments will follow the service.
We hope that this service will be for you a time of spiritual preparation as we watch and wait for the coming of Christ.