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Sharing Gifts in Worship


Vestry members are elected to share parish leadership responsibilities with the Rector, including finances and property management.  As legal representatives of St. Paul’s, they carry out responsibilities outlined in the parish’s bylaws; the Episcopal Church canons; and local, state, and federal law.  Persons interested in running for a Vestry position should contact Fr. Rob.


Our Hospitality Team works to provide opportunities for engaging newcomers and increasing fellowship among existing members through weekly coffee hours, special event receptions, and providing gift baskets for newcomers.  To help, contact Abbe Moore.  






The Stewardship Committee works to promote the giving of time, talent, and treasure for the glory of God and to financially support the ministries of St. Paul’s.  If interested in joining this team, contact Jim Vath or Abbe Moore.






Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team provides care to parishioners in need by providing meals or other services to support individuals or families experiencing illness, loss, or other hardships.  To help, contact Gretchen Garlow.








The Communications Team works to keep the parish informed about activities, services, and events.  The team publishes the weekly eCourier newsletter and Courier LITE in the Sunday bulletin, oversees the St. Paul’s website and Facebook page, and sends news to local news outlets. Persons interested in joining the team should contact Priscilla March.



St. Paul’s Finance Committee (comprising the Rector, the wardens, the treasurer, the co-chairs of stewardship, and the Bethlehem School Director) review the parish’s fiscal matters and make financial recommendations to the Vestry.  Interested individuals are invited to contact Treasurer James Duckworth.

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