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Holy Week 2020 Virtual Worship Schedule
Holy Week 2020 Virtual Worship Schedule

Home-bound Palm Sunday
Parishioners put up at-home branches to remember Jesus' triumphant entry to Jerusalem.

Bringing Church to You: Online Offerings!
Online worship and fellowship offerings planned to keep us gathered as a loving and supportive church community.

It's Just Different in Lent
Things are different in Lent. As the text of the Ash Wednesday liturgy says, the church’s observance of a holy Lent involves...

Remembering with Beauty
Donating altar flowers is a beautiful and generous way to remember a loved one or to give thanks for blessings in our lives.

Open Church: Ashes to Go
On Ash Wednesday, St. Paul's will offer "open church" for those commuters (and others) wanting to have ashes imposed.

Living in Divine Presence: An Introduction to Contemplative Prayer Practices
Come refresh your mind, body and spirit. Explore divine presence within you and all of creation. A five-part series.

Scenes from Christmas at St. Paul's
Christmas at St. Paul's was lovely and blessed, thanks to so many people!

In Gratitude for Gospel and Stewardship
Many thanks to Music Director Andrew Shenton, the St. Paul's Choir, and musical guests for making our November 17th Gospel Music Sunday...

Bishop Alan Gates to Visit St. Paul's
St. Paul's is so pleased that the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates will preach and celebrate the Eucharist at our 10 a.m. service on December 8th. ...

Children's Christmas Pageant
It's time to start preparing for one of St. Paul's most treasured traditions -- the Children's Christmas Pageant!

Darkness to Light: Advent Lessons & Carols
On December 15th at 5 p.m., join us for an Advent Lessons & Carols service, “Darkness to Light,” featuring scripture readings and music...

Gospel Music Sunday
On Sunday, November 17th, St. Paul's will feature Gospel Music, including guest musicians, at the 10AM service.

Save the Date: Shining our Light
Our pledge ingathering will be Sunday, November 17th. We'll celebrate with a "kicked up" coffee hour by Stewardship and Hospitality teams.

Honoring Our Veterans
On Sunday, Nov. 10th, St. Paul's will honor our veterans at the 10AM service. All veterans are encouraged to join us.

Bringing Out the Animals
No other saint brings out the animal in us like St. Francis. The patron saint of animals, Francis's feast day is October 4th. St. Paul's...

Welcome to a New Program Year!
Although the Church year officially begins in Advent, many of our lives' rhythms shift to a quicker tempo each September with the new...

We Need Your Help During Worship
Please prayerfully consider being a helper during worship. St. Paul's is in serious need for adults and young people to serve as...

Why Lingering after Coffee Hour Can Pay Off
On Sunday, June 23, parishioner Karin Torres invited her friends Karen and Tom to St. Paul’s to seek a blessing of their car, which had...
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