Remembering St. Francis in the Blessing of Pets
Our annual commemoration of the life and teachings of St. Francis, this year on Sunday, October 6, always includes the Blessing of Pets,...
Remembering St. Francis in the Blessing of Pets
In Celebration and Thanksgiving for the Life of Larry Kamp
Clergy coverage during Rector's Sabbatical
Priest's Ponderings
Priest's Ponderings - Last Sunday after the Epiphany
Priest's Ponderings - Epiphany V
Priest's Ponderings - Epiphany IV
Priest's Ponderings - Epiphany III
Priest’s Ponderings - Christmastide to Epiphany
Christmas Pageant Memories
Join us for Christmas!
Blessed be our Pets!
A New Program Year!
Prayers requested for Maui and Hawai'i Island
April 23: Ring the Bell to Raise Awareness for the Need to Care for God's Creation
Schedule for Holy Week and Easter
Christmas Pageant December 2022
Blessing of the Animals 2022