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No Reservations Required!
As Fr. Rob announced on Sunday, May 30, we no longer need to make reservations to attend church in-person, although we will continue to...
Phased Regathering to Begin May 2
As announced in a parish-wide email on April 18, St. Paul's will be adopting a phased approach to regathering in person, and our first...

Ashes "To Go" for Self Imposition
Although our traditional Ash Wednesday traditions may be disrupted, you can still begin Lent with the imposition of ashes -- DIY style.

Lenten Evening Series on Discovering "The Wisdom Pattern"
Join in the fun and discovery of Lent with friends and neighbors as we learn about "The Wisdom Pattern: Order, Disorder, Reorder."

Sacred Ground: Dialogue on Race and Faith
Every time we celebrate a Holy Baptism, or attend a Confirmation or an Ordination, we get to renew our own Baptismal vows. I love these...

Relief Fund Continues to Help
Through the generous support of many donors, St. Paul's continues to have a Relief Fund ...
Where do we stand on reopening?
On behalf of our Wardens, Officers, and Vestry I would like to thank everyone for your participation in our recent All Parish Survey . . .
Recommended videos to educate about racial injustice; Public Forum planned
May we all reflect deeply upon the words and actions of Jesus Christ and may we try our best to walk with Him on His path ...
From Fr. Rob: Racism and Our Baptismal Covenantal Vows
A message from Fr. Rob

St. Paul's Convenes COVID-19 Advisory Group
St. Paul's has a new Advisory Group to consider issues and implications for eventually re-opening our building safely in light of COVID-19.

St. Paul's Relief Fund
Our St. Paul's Vision Statement says that we aspire to be a community "freely receiving and giving our gifts in faith, hope, and love."...

From Fr. Rob
While these times cause discombobulation and uncertainty, they are also unleashing many examples of people caring for one another.

From Fr. Rob: The Lights are On, the Door is Open ...
... everything about Ash Wednesday and Lent says to us, "Come." "Come, and follow me," he says. The door is open, the light is on.

The Epiphany
O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your...

From Fr. Rob: Jesus and Money
Jesus said a lot about money. Scripture can help us thoughtfully and prayerfully consider our own personal stewardship of resources.

From Fr. Rob: Keeping it Simple
Have you ever noticed how much shorter the Lord’s Prayer is in Luke’s gospel (Luke 11:1-4) than it is in Matthew’s gospel (Matthew...

Centering Prayer Retreat Schedule 2019-2020
If you'd like a more in-depth experience of Centering Prayer (in addition to St. Paul's Monday Centering Prayer at 6PM), listed here are...

From Fr. Rob: ... train up children in the way they should go ... (Proverbs 22:6)
When I arrived here at St. Paul’s three-and-a-half years ago and first met Carmelina Padovani, the Director of the Bethlehem School, I...
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